Reviews & Press

‘This is a book I’d like to recommend to anyone wishing to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the tumultuous revolts taking place globally around the year 1968. […] [T]his is an admirable work and well written. It provides a colorful, interesting, and sometimes captivating history, focusing on protest in a country often imagined to be lacking it. […] [The] book is a delight to read and it succeeds well in bringing out Japan’s little-known history of radical dissent.’ — Carl Cassegård, The Journal of Japanese Studies

‘This much-needed book addresses a range of groups engaged in revolutionary politics, radical protests and counter-culture. In doing so, it provides a perspective on Japanese society that is rarely covered in English… By presenting the critical voices of the Japanese left to an English-speaking audience, Andrews registers his own form of protest. Dissenting Japan is a necessary text, and a compelling intellectual call to arms.’ — The Japan Times

‘For anyone who wants to understand Japan during the second half of the 20th century, this is an essential book to read.’ — Kyoto Journal

‘In this highly interesting book, the author debunks traditional notions of Japan as a nation built upon homogeneity and harmony … Well worth a read for anyone seeking greater knowledge of Japan.’ — Survival Journal

‘Readers unfamiliar with the dissident tradition in Japanese culture will find this book the ideal introduction. The author is a British writer who has spent over a decade working in the country and, as such, combines an outsider’s perspective with empathetic insight into Japan’s unique characteristics.’ — CounterFire

‘Andrews’ brilliant account of Japan’s marginalised narrative of postwar dissent and activism brims with insights, passion and astute analysis. This is a lucidly written, well-researched people’s history that gives voice to the voiceless and demonstrates a shrewd understanding of Japanese society, leftist political culture and the politics of ongoing culture wars. There is nothing quite like this masterpiece of postwar history, and as such it is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the Japan and Japanese lurking behind the misleading memes of harmony, tranquility, and deference to authority.’ — Jeffrey Kingston, Director of Asian Studies, Temple University (Japan Campus)

‘William Andrews’ timely book provides invaluable insights into key events, movements, and ideas that shaped post-war Japanese radicalism. Andrews brings to the surface a history that is often unseen, concealed, or poorly understood — yet continues to exert substantial influence on today’s emergent protests following the 2011 triple disaster.’ — Robin O’Day, Department of History and Anthropology, University of Tsukuba

‘William Andrews vividly details a history not previously available in English. This book guides the reader through the contested terrain of postwar Japanese politics and protest, challenging stereotypes of an inherently harmonious Japanese society. A gripping read for even those casually curious about the shape of contemporary dissent in Japan.’ — Chelsea Szendi Schieder, Meiji University, School of Political Science and Economics